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    Jamestown Va USA Earth Sol Milky Way Universe
  1. Hey, good deal, I went from an average 3.05 kbsec to 4.0 kbsec with a peak last nit of 6.55 kbsec, damn, I didnt know that 56k could go tht fast
  2. I get a norm screen on the title movie, split on the menu, normal for the mentat clips, split on the briefing, save game, and map screen and finally, normal on the actual game, hey I can deal w/that
  3. Whaddaya know!! I decided to try to play be damned the split screen,and whoowee, after the annoying split menus and such, the game played fine, damn im stupid :)
  4. whoops heres my dxdiag[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  5. Greetings, I recently dug up my Dune200 disc and installed it and poof, black screen. I then did all the things mentioned here (updated drivers, installed 1.06, various refresh and res. rates, installed DX 9.0b and all possible compatibility modes) and went from black screen to split screen. Halfway there. Anything I missed? Here is my dxdiag also Thanks
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