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Everything posted by Jorge

  1. Nope, Keep your atreides barracks unmodified I mean, Undo the changes, and return to: Byte 80 = 51 Byte 81 = 3 Then modify Fremen Barracks Owner = Fremen AND Atreides Prerequisite = Barracks Tech Level = 1 Long 68 = 17 Byte 80 = 0 >>> No deployment squares needed Byte 81 = 0 >>> No deployment squares needed Byte 89 = 7 >>> Building can be selected/repaired/captured Byte 90 = 64 >>> Building doesn't get damage when deployed without concrete. Byte 92 = 11 >>> Building can train solidiers Byte 96 = 0 >>> X coordinate where new soldier appears Byte 97 = 2 >>> Y coordinate where new soldier appears Byte 98 = 0 >>> X coordinate where new soldier goes Byte 99 = 3 >>> Y coordinate where new soldier goes Now you can build sietch, anywhere and Sietch can train soldiers Maybe AI won't build Sietch... but who cares?? AI Doesn't build Sietch anyway. To set Sietch as primary Building press CTRL P If you want to sell your last Sietch, be sure the standard barrack is set as primary (CTRL P) before selling the Sietch. Otherwise you could get a Crash. Also, you can set Sietch as 2nd Prerequisite for units, but cannot set it as 1st Prerequisite Only building with Behavior = Barrack can be set as 1st Prerequisite for soldiers. === Edit Aug-21-2010: Where said "No concrete squares needed" should say "No deployment squares needed" (already corrected) ===
  2. Changing Byte 80 and Byte 81 to zero should work with any building. No clue about AI behavior after this mod. ::) === Maybe you should try to bypass the problem with AI by keeping your standard barracks unmodified and setting Sietch as "alternate" Barrack" To do thtat, the key is Byte 92 You need Byte 92 = 11 If you want your building to train Soldiers. More info here; http://forums.cncnz.com/index.php?showtopic=885
  3. Yes it can be used that way. :) Here is an example: Atreides Barracks have this values Byte 80 = 51 = 1 + 2 + 16 + 32 Byte 81 = 3 = 1 + 2 Those values are equivalent to this: X= Squares needed for deployment O= Squares NOT needed for deployment Byte 80 (Upper section) 51 = 1 + 2 + 16 + 32 XXOO XXOO Byte 81 (Lower section) 3 = 1 + 2 XXOO OOOO Both Byte 80 = 51 and Byte 81 = 3 put together represent this: XXOO >> Upper Section XXOO XXOO >> Lower Section OOOO If you change Byte 81 this way: Byte 81 = 131 = 1+ 2 +128 Then your needed squares are these: XXOO XXOO XXOO OOOX So you get a 7th square which is 2 squares away from your barrack. Now change Byte 80 and Byte 81 to zero. Byte 80 = 0 Byte 81 = 0 Then your needed squares are these: OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO That is, no needed squares. So you can place your barracks anywhere 8)(even in the sand) Tested it today. Never tried with zero values before. ::) So, since it is possible to setup Sietch as an alternate barrack (and build soldiers from both Barracks and Sietch) I guess now I could build it on the rocky borders ;D
  4. Just edit these Building's bytes with Tibed: It is funny to realize my original post on this matter is already 6 years old ;D http://forums.cncnz.com/index.php?showtopic=885 Byte 80: Deployment Squares Arrange (Upper section) (*) Byte 81: Deployment Squares Arrange (Lower section) (*) Byte 84: Occupied Squares Arrange (Upper section) (**) Byte 85: Occupied Squares Arrange (Lower section) (**) (*) Square areas needed to be Free in order to deploy a building. (**) Square areas where unit's path is bloked. Also (maybe): Square areas where concrete slabs are needed. :arrow: Both Deployment and Occupied Squares negate deployment for another buildings. :arrow: Occupied Squares block's unit's path. X=Deployment/Ocuppied square. 0: OOOO OOOO 1: XOOO OOOO 2: OXOO OOOO 4: OOXO OOOO 8: OOOX OOOO 16: OOOO XOOO 32: OOOO OXOO 64: OOOO OOXO 128: OOOO OOOX You can get any combination from 0: OOOO OOOO to 255 (1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128): XXXX XXXX
  5. The english version of that russian program has been available here at dune2k.com, since 2004 I guess ;D This is the link (Dune 2000 Image Converter) http://dune2k.com/Downloads/43 best regards
  6. Siberian Gremlim has released Dune 2000 Image Converter 1.2 beta. The programm allows to export D2k R8 files as bmp, and replace default images importing bmp files. Download on his homepage http://www.gremlin.4u.ru/ Current version don't have R16 format support yet (but is on the way, as far as i know). best regards
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