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  1. Hmm What i did was to first capture the emperors base just north becasue then the enemy sends most of its force there,if it gets destroyed then good,becuase it wasnt yours to begin with!! But seriosly when you start repelling the enemies on your main base that should be it. I think you should try and target the harvesters,believe me they are alot of them. PS:You do know that they are things called spice mounds? I.e when you clear a spice field sometimes a mound appears and when you run over it with a vehicle,it spreads out spice,it took me till Hark mission 9 to work that out. In the south of your spice field,there is such a mound
  2. NP,i will check here everyday for new posts so dont hesitate to ask questions. Another thing the ornithopod thingys always have a pattern where they attack,if you can figure that out you can aviod them.
  3. No,i was just wondering what people thought of my ideas,i wasnt aware of it.
  4. Scot,sorry thought you were making that game in question. I hope they suceed in making their game,it looks good.
  5. Scotsman,i went to your site and i am impressed,screenshots look good too,i only read page 1 and 18 though,i cant understand the programming though,i think my ideas are good but i cant programme anything. I am going to read all the other pages now.
  6. I have finished Hark and Ordos missions,i am on atri mission 8 yet and in general i find Hark the most difficult becuase File as you say,they have alot of troops against them. What you have to do is to have a row of 4 rocket turrets,diagonally(like you have but a little more to the south than where you placed them) Have any vehicles and infantry between them and always,i mean always have 2 harvestors. When you have more money,make the rocket turrets into a "step" formation,i.e a rocket turret to the north of where you already have one will be to the west of another one. The entrance to the west should be blocked using walls and dont send vehicles past that point. When you have done that build a light factory and produce trikes. By now your spice feild to the right of your base will be full of enemy harvestors, Via the north route have your trikes haress them and have them retreat if enemy units come. Keep producing trikes and store them to the south of the base,moving them closer and closer to the west entrance. By now almost all your spice south will be finished and so build concrete to the west of the west entrance,then build rocket turrets and move your trikes next to the turrets for protection. Thats it,you should be okay after that
  7. Hello, I am Tragic and I usually play free online games under this name ,I have had the advantage of playing Dune 2000 and I really like it. The ideas below are ones which I have thought long and hard and I think would work well with the current game. 1. The idea that parts unexplored are portrayed as a black cloud is a good idea. The novelty wears off when you realise that the only other units you will find are 99% of the time enemy ones. While it is true that you need to find an alternate spice source and plot a route to attack enemies, I feel that to make this idea more interesting, more minor houses should be included because there would be a slight element for surprise. I am aware that they are some people who would want a fourth house but for the time being I am content with the various options these houses would provide. I.e these houses may or not oppose the players. To some extent Westwood have done this but I would like to see this idea explored further. I will now define the various types of units which would be encountered.(The hostile units are the only new type of units) Friendly units-these units are allied with you but you don
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