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  1. Ahhhh. Not sure why I didn't see that before...
  2. Your tutorials were very helpful, Inoculator. The only problem that I had was my computer telling me that I couldn't copy part of the file because I was using too much memory. Any insight into this problem?
  3. What I would like to do is give the Sardaukar Desert Camo and add a long range las-rifle version of the basic Imperial Sardaukar. How would I go about this?
  4. Okay, here's something I missed. It says that the file is an unknown format.
  5. No. I'll try downloading it again.
  6. Nope. It shows up as a white rectangle with the windows symbol on it.
  7. Either my computer is incompetent or somethings the matter with the file because the mod file shows up as unkown and I can't open it manually(meaning by selecting the open part of the menu). Some help please?
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