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  1. Thanks ;)! I believe I may have cracked the .cmp sound file format and can convert from .mp3 to it successfully :O! However, it may be some of my esrs' (software that will detect format and run sound files using an external program) interrupting the file format and playing it back anyway. However, I'm willing to put it to the test. If you want to send me a short mp3 of 6/7 seconds of sound, and tell me a specific cmp file to replace, I'll mail it back to you in the correct format for you to try out, providing of course, that your not running similar software. Send to ambershee@fastmail.fm I'm eager to get this working!!
  2. My mistake, but if a music file wasloaded from the CD, how would it be replaced? I find it odd that we have a functional community made decoder but not an encoder. I'll have a go at the author about the decoder. I'm thinking for the Spice thing, it's going to take hand editing of all the skirmish maps. Ah well, it can be done at least.
  3. ambershee


    Get a fastmail.fm account for file transfers, I think even the free accounts have 10 meg storage, file attaches and 40 meg bandwidth per month ;) If I had anything to share, I'd have posted it already, lol.
  4. However, the skirmish music is always loaded from the CD, not the HD - that's the issue. When modifying the group I get a crash. What group should I be using for the skirmish tracks? Importing sounds can't be so impossible, surely people have managed somehow - after all, if you can covert a .w file to a .wav file, can't you do the reverse, and replace an existing ingame sounds file? I've not managed to disable spice mining from the Rules files - on a map that has spice, if you were to remove the harvester and refinery structures from each factions build tree, wouldn't you end up with no cash flow whatsoever? I've commented out hasspice in the 'Type Arrakis' entry in the MapInfo.ini, but is hasn't done anything it seems. What am I overlooking? I can't find any other references to Spice harvesting and Cash Delivery outside of mapinfo and rules. Mystery to me.
  5. Hey all again :)! I'm still playing around with Emperor, heck, you might even see me release a mod sometime in the future, lol! As it happens, I'm back to playing with sounds files once more. I've noticed that BagTool will export the .w sound files that contain all the units sounds such as firing fx to .wav format so that it is readable. Does anyone know how to replace existing .w files with new ones? I'm assuming you need to convert from a 22khz stereo file amongst other things, but a simple rename does not seem to suffice. On a similar note, how about importing new unit speech files, the cmp files? Lastly for now, how about importing custom mp3 music into the skirmish game? I've been fiddling to no avail, it seems to refuse to load from HD. On a non-related note, is it possible to edit the landscape details so that spice mining is disabled totally on the Arrakis maps - just editing the 'hasspice' tag doesn't work. I've the feeling the solution is much more nasty. Also, is it possible to allow for worms / storms to appear on non-arrakis theatres on all maps where possible? Thanks all, you've been most helpful before, and I'm sure you can be helpful again :D!
  6. Hey all, nice to still see a Dune Community out there :) Quick question, as it irritates me beyond all belief. Does anyone know how the sound links up with actions that units undertake, for example with firing. For the puroses of example, how could you take the sound from the kindjal weapon and make that the sound for a weapon firing, if the said weapon didn't already have a sound (and thus eliminating the file renaming option)? Thanks! The Ambershee
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