Hey all again :)! I'm still playing around with Emperor, heck, you might even see me release a mod sometime in the future, lol! As it happens, I'm back to playing with sounds files once more. I've noticed that BagTool will export the .w sound files that contain all the units sounds such as firing fx to .wav format so that it is readable. Does anyone know how to replace existing .w files with new ones? I'm assuming you need to convert from a 22khz stereo file amongst other things, but a simple rename does not seem to suffice. On a similar note, how about importing new unit speech files, the cmp files? Lastly for now, how about importing custom mp3 music into the skirmish game? I've been fiddling to no avail, it seems to refuse to load from HD. On a non-related note, is it possible to edit the landscape details so that spice mining is disabled totally on the Arrakis maps - just editing the 'hasspice' tag doesn't work. I've the feeling the solution is much more nasty. Also, is it possible to allow for worms / storms to appear on non-arrakis theatres on all maps where possible? Thanks all, you've been most helpful before, and I'm sure you can be helpful again :D!