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  1. The team is still little and it will still take a while but we are getting there...
  2. Cyborg : Is this better?? For the deflector? http://www.cybar-cafe.com/dune2k/pics/new_deflector.jpg The New deflector texture aint stretch at all, but I am still a bit worried about mixing everything...
  3. Dont worry you were not, but I was thinking of doing some changes to the original designs, adapting the models to give them a more realistic look, plus with the track guards the sonic has in the front it aint able to climb any hills :) they drag on the ground, that need to be fixed... And I was thinking also the make the Sonic parabol to be more like the Emperor version... The only problem is how far can I push the adaptation until it doesnt look and feel like Dune 2000???
  4. Ok note taken, Ill see what I can do... Thanks...
  5. Can you be more explicative, cause I dont understand exactly what you mean, what should I do with the Sonic emiter and and is wrong with the texture of it... I am quite open to suggestions but please gimme more details...
  6. Thanks for the comments guys, but as far as the parabol is concerned, I only took the model from the rendering of the sonic tank I had, if you think it should be curved, I see no problems there... Thats why we post here to have suggestions and insights, and believe me we are open to all suggestions, so feel free to interact as much as you want... Thanks... Necron
  7. Thank you worked perfectly...
  8. Thanks for the comments, but... I have found the textures in the map editor of Emperor, but the Models??? Where can I could those? cause would be good to use them for proportions... Necron
  9. I need your advice guys.. I am about to create the building for my mod but I prefer the buildings from emperor cause they are distincly diffent compared to the Dune2000 one... Should I do a crossover between the 2 or stay pure with Dune2000? Please comment... Necron
  10. Hi there, I am the 3D/coder/skinner/leader of the Dune2k mod, Black knight was talking about the Sonic Tank, it aint finish yet cause i took a break of it, but here's some pics... 1st is the tank shooting the sonic wave... http://www.cybar-cafe.com/dune2k/pics/sonic_shoot.jpg 2nd almost finished the skinning... http://www.cybar-cafe.com/dune2k/pics/sonic_textured.jpg The resolution on the skin aint that great, but it will get better... Will try to finish the website ASAP also... Take care...
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