GRYPHON YOU ROOOOOOOOCK MAN!!!!!! I uninstalled both and installed emperor again without nortan and its works!!!! THHHHHXXXXX Atomic you helped me also very much man i appriciate that!! REALLY if i can do something for you both guys tell me!! ;-) but i dont think i can because ya both now very much :D REALLY REALLY THX both!! I'm so happy wooohooooo :D ;) :-* :P :-[ But can i install nortan back now? :-
i have installed the game on c: drive(extra hard disk, not the one where is windows on) but i install all games on that c: drive My F: drive is the one with windows one and my CD rom player is D:
Hey i can't give you the test resulst because they are in dutch, but i can say they were all okay, so that can't be the problem... This is real shit man >:(
So i installed Emperor... When i click on the icon to start the game i get a screen of emperor when its starting up, and then the screen go away but it doesnt start up :S and i have SP1 already and it doesnt help :-[ really want to play emp back... :( ???
After i while i quitted playing emperor i decided to play it again because i like the game :D So i installed it again.... When i want to start Emperor i get the beginning screen of it and then it falls away and it doesnt start up.... :- :-[ :( Does someone have this problem 2 or can some help me fix it?? Than you very much already :'( Dread
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