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Everything posted by The_Black_Knight

  1. I dont entirely get what you meant by your comment, but I might try and explain a bit (for those who might not have any idea of whats this is about): We are creating a mod, for a game that the basis is for the WW2 era. Our mod, was originally going to orientated around the ideology of Dune 2000. But recently has changed to follow Emperor instead. We will try and replicate as much as possible, the feel of Emperor, into a FPS version, to give the theatre of Dune another extension. Do keep an eye out for us, it is getting there..... slowly: http://www.cybar-cafe.com/dune2k/forum/index.php
  2. Ok. This is the new forum that we have had for a while, but forgot to update this thread with it: http://www.cybar-cafe.com/dune2k/forum/index.php Hope to see you guys there.
  3. Yes, that is some of our work. But that in particular, is rather quite old. If you guys do want to stay up to date with whats up with us, then visit our forums here: http://www.cybar-cafe.com/dune2k/forum/index.php Hope to see you guys there!!!
  4. Got some even more cool news guys!!! Just got home from work, and was enlightened that our forums are up!!! So, please do come and visit, and perhaps register. You never know, you could in some way help us out. We do still need it as well!! ;)
  5. Well thanks Cyborg. Got some cool news guys. Necron has been doing some work on our homepage, has done some updating, talking to me about concepts and such and as well is in the making of our forums. Please guys, you are more than welcome to join our forums, or just to visit and see how we are doing. The more input we have from the Dune2k community, the better our chances are, of our outcome being the best as possible. This is the link: http://www.cybar-cafe.com/dune2k/index.php Please be patient with our site, our mod team is still quite small. Recruiting has been moving extremely slow, so our work pile is quite high per person.
  6. lolol. I like the sound of that term: "cultured types". lolol. ;)
  7. :-[ Oh, thank you guys. Thats what I thought he might have been talking about.
  8. Dude, sorry for sounding ignorant: But what you mean "parabol"? And thank you for the suggestion none the less.
  9. Ay guys, some more news from the Bf1942 Dune2k mod. Now we have the Sonic Tank completed. Skinned/modelled by Necron. Mention what you guys think of it. Have any ideas, or anything like that. http://www.planetbattlefield.com/image.asp?/images/news/dk122403.jpg
  10. AT IXIAN and EVERYONE: Look in the other thread entitle "New Dune2k Mod for Bf1942". That will have some more info on what we are doing. Also, check the news section, there is a thread there, started by Gobalopper, about us as well. Get more info here: http://www.dune2k.com/forum/?board=19;action=display;threadid=12630
  11. Hi guys Ok, I am making this thread as a formal "recruiting thread". If you have any experince with modding, in anyway, whether it be in mapping, coding or whatever, then post what you can do here. I will regulary check this thread, for any updates. Sweet guys, go for it, and hope to hear from you!!
  12. Sweet Inoculator. I hope to talk to you soon on MSN. ;)
  13. Ok guys, there is another thread about this, in the news section. But I thought it to be appropriate for this section as well. I am a member of a team, creating a mod, called "Dune2k" for Battlefield 1942. Now, we are looking for people, to join with us, and help. I cannot think of a better place to try, than here. I have been visting this site for quite a while now, and am thouroughly impressed with it. So, if you guys would like to help/join us, then use my MSN, or send an email, with what you can do, would like to do, or if you just have something to say. Thank you
  14. Well, in response, right now... we are only doing the Harkonnen and Atreides. But there has been some talk about doing the Ordos at a later time. But the one thing, that is the main problem with them, is the Deviator. It is going to be almost impossible to replicate that, in BF. As for unique untis: right now, Necron has almost completed the Sonic Tank, I am yet to test/play with it, but from the pics/infomation he has shown me, it is looking very cool. I would like to see us be as much as possible, close to Dune 2000. But only time will tell how far we go.
  15. Hi guys, I am a member of the Dune2k mod team. Jesse, I will send you an email about this soon, but all you guys in general, I and Necron (the mod creator/boss), need your help. Currently, there are only about 4 of us right now, and that isnt enough to keep this mod running. We have too much on our hands, especially because right now, we have only 1 mapper, 1 coder/skinner/web master, 1 coder/mapper and me, for public relations and such. If you have any experience, or can help in anyway, then send me an email, or reply to this post ASAP. cannibalcook666@hotmail.com -Edit- I do "Public Relations" for our mod, so if you have any questions, or anything that you would like to say, then send me an email, or use msn to talk to me, and I will circulate it around the mod team. Thanks.
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