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  1. I finished the book. I really liked it. For some reason I can't quite put my finger on I didn't Like Butlerian Jihad that much. Machine Crusade rocked. This was a book that I literally could not put down. As someone previously put it, yes there is tons of violence. However, the violence is not meaningless. Characters die in the book for good reasons, reasons that advance the plot. I think if you like the House trilogy you will like Machine Crusade. LanceMan
  2. Yes I remember that. I don't think though that the wayward heighliner was near any new planets, just lost in space. I remember that part of Shaddam IV's title was, "Emperor of a Million Worlds." So maybe that's all they had mapped out. LanceMan
  3. I hear ya on that one. My local library system has them on order. I just put in my reserve, and I am number one on the list. Whoohoo! LanceMan
  4. Hello all, I am new to the board. This sounds like great news. More stuff to play with and spend hard earned cash on. :) I do hope that in any future computer games they include more Dune houses from the books: House Vernius, Taligari, Richese, Moritani and Ecaz. At the very least they might be featured as sub-houses ala Emperor Battle for Dune. Question for you. On www.blackstar.co.uk they offer David Lynch's Dune TV Edition (35 minutes of extra footage) and coming out on October 6th there will be Dune Special Edition released. The special edition is to have a new documentary and new interviews. These DVDs are Region two. Any idea when or if these maybe released for Region One? Thanks, LanceMan
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