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  1. When I played this game for the first time, I was a late 20's. Now I am over 40. havent played this game for several years. But I still see some friends like pearlman, goyo, newlords, miles, kindjal, etc. Hope this game lasts forever! I am goind to play with you guys whenever I have a leisure. I just play this game for fun (not to win). I was a noob and now a noob and will be a noob. Nevetheless, I love this game. Just enjoy yourself. 노짱님이랑 고요는 언제쯤 들어오나요? 한국시간으로 밤인가요? 난 한국에 돌아와서 정착했어요. 학교에서 학생들 가르키고 있어요..조만간 함 봅시다. 노짱님은 장가 가셨나? 고요는 영어 하는거 보니 많이 늘었두만..역시 어릴때 유학가면 영어가 금방 느는것 같네..
  2. Thanks....now I know how to get online and play a game...I just did a warm-up with moroz... I will see you guys around 노짱님이랑 lastgoyo도 와서 같이 놉시다.
  3. Hello Guys, I cannot believe you guys are still playing this game. As I have some leisure these days, I'll visit the server from time to time. I don't know how to play a game online? Hamachi? Tunngle? What the heck is that? Where should I go to play a game? Optiarb
  4. Hello Emperor brothers, I cant belive that a lot of you are still playing this game until now. I want to play EBFD from time to time, but, as you see, It is not easy to have such a leisure. But, someday, I want to get back to you and play with you all the night as I did before. I hope you guys play Emperor forever. It is like my "home" or "nostalgia". As such, having people playing that game make me happy (ALthough I dont have time to play it!) I promise to drop by there when I have time. This board too. --Optiarb--
  5. Seems like lots of you are still playing this game. I was in the moving and setting up process for the new environment. After finishing my degree at Wisconsin, i came to the New York city and work as a Professor in a Univ. I don't know how many of you still remember me. But I miss all of you. expecially silontee, spazelord, brick and Scar5150 etc. i have always missed you guys. Alhough I don't have much time to play, I will try to play Emperor whenever I have a leisure. want to meet you again soon. I believe you guys will welcom me. See you soon Does Gunwound still think himself as one of the best player and rude to the people especially to the Newbies? Hahaha. Just kidding.
  6. Let me translate what he said. Personally, I like pearlman. I am also not that good at English I didnt have register on this forum coz just im idle. --> Because I am a lazy person, I haven't registered this forum until today. Now, Because I registered for this forum, I can write. Well I guess too late for me to register on here. Emp dead already. --> The game EBFD is almost dead and it's somewhat late for me to register here and write a message here. However, I'm writing a message. But anyone of love emp really doesnt bother few on wol or xcc or not i believe. --> The people who still play EBFD are very small but they really love this game and still play in WOL or XCC server. They don't concern about the fact that there will be no more people to come and play this game im happy now and then when i get to play EBFD. Will be forver. --> Because of such people, I can keep playing this game and am happy. I read gunny's post. ya thats right. When I get to play emp,I feel I am in a sweet bar or something. --> I read Gunny(Gunwounds?)'s post. Yes that's right. Whenever I play EBFD, I am happy. HF to your life always I will post later when i want to do(Oh I dont know when it is) --> Good luck!. I'll post a message next time when I have a leisure. But, I don't know when it will be. English is quite difficult for us.(Non-alphabet users) Please be generous on our weak point like that. Though we are not good at English, we also love Emperor!
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