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Everything posted by kingzeus

  1. Atreides infantry kick butt. I love using them on people who think they suck. It usually kicks their butts. -KingZeus
  2. That still gives you no right to steal. -The King
  3. Yep, scouts are great for making replicated units disappear :)
  4. I have no problem defending. Attacking is the problem. I had 10 mins plus a bunch of other stuff and it all ended up getting wasted by the constant wave of units. Everytime I check the starport the units are not cheaper :(. Thanks for your help.
  5. I'm playing Atredies and am on the Ordos homeworld. It is freaking impossible. The computer sends wave after wave at me and I manage to destroy them when I stay in my base. I made it right up to the door of the enemy base using Minators(spelling) and Mongooses plus some mirages courtesy of the IX projectors. But, by the time I got up to the front my real units were dieing off and my projections were too. There are gun turretts everywhere. WTF am I supposed to do?
  6. I've been trying to figure out the usefullness of the 3d besides it looking pretty. How can I use it strategically? The position the computer starts me in always seems to be fine.... -KingZeus webmaster: http://www.cncrenegade.com
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