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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2021 in Posts

  1. Er, DUNE38S*.SAV ? I didn't know about that version, only 21, 23, 37 for a long time and more recently 24. If that isn't a typo, then people implementing save game editors, be it the one linked by Dmitri Fatkin above or mine ( https://github.com/debrouxl/odrade ), will be pretty interested in getting a copy of these save files, to add support for this version to the editors Indeed. I was surprised by how large the impact on overall time of that cheat was. Without using it, I never managed to finish the game (which always includes full travel to all sietches, in my runs) before day 23. With it, I reached the morning of day 17, as mentioned above, and I had ideas for saving several periods. That's correct. I've been using that strategy for years, to destroy a subset of the fortresses - weakening them before finishing them, with or without a massive attack. All of the main army troops use ornis, as does the single, orni-equipped army troop which performs espionage on most of the planet ahead of time. Whoa, day 10 ? I can't watch much of this video right now, and I don't watch many videos in general (especially not long videos), but I suppose I will watch it at least partially Did you eventually enter all sietches on the whole planet, including the 5 ones which aren't uncovered by talking to Liet Kynes (well, at least in the versions of Dune I'm used to), and recruit all troops ? That easily adds a number of periods, even when not visiting all of them at once: the sietch closest to the Haga fortresses can easily be visited a bit later, on a Carthag <-> Haga path. Clearly, you must have used ornis for your army troops as well. I suppose you used smugglers much more extensively than I usually do, and more army troops. Do you use fast troop moves, where using A -> C -> B intermediate sietches for the movement can save some time over direct A -> B moves ? EDIT: you seem not to have used the fact that restarting the game in the mirror room saves a period - the day and time restarts at day 1, 7h30 instead of the day 1, 9h00 when entering the game.
    1 point
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