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Dune 1 Floppy & CD commandline parameter?

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There are several(and different) command line parameters in den CD and Floppy version 
of Dune - can someone tell me if my list is correct?

DUNERPG.EXE, fileoffset: 0xE100-0xE169
DNCDRPG.EXE, fileoffset: 0xE60C-0xE6AC

386		x		x		use 386 Opcodes
MON		x		x		?
FRA		x		x		French
GER		x		x		German
ENG		x				English	
ITA		x				Italian
SPA		x				Spanic	
DUT		x				Dutch?
NOM		x		x		?
REC				x		Record
DEM				x		Plays recording
JOY		x				Joystick?
SAF		x				?
VSF		x				?
XMS		x		x		Extenden memory
EMS		x		x		Epanded memory
EM4		x		x		?
HIM		x		x		Himem?
ADL		x		x		Adlib
ADP		x				Adlib Pro
ADG		x		x		Adlib Gold
AGD		x				Adlib Gold?
MID		x		x		Midi, MT-32?
SDB		x		x		Soundblaster
SBP		x				Soundblaster Pro
WRI		x				?



Found more in INSTALL.EXE from Floppy/CD-Version

Got		CD		Non-CD

386		x		x		80386 (or better)
						Default: 8086-80286

MON		x		x		Monochrome VGA
						Default: 256 colors VGA

FRA		x		x		Français
GER		x		x		Deutsch
ENG		x				English
ITA		x				Italiano
SPA		x				Español	
DUT		x				Nederlands
ALN						Alien - only in INSTALL.EXE, seems to have no effect

NOM		x		x		Don't use mouse
						Default: Microsoft compatible Mouse

REC				x		Record demo
DEM				x		Plays recording

JOY		x				Joystick
						Default: Don't use joystick

SAF		x				Standard smooth animations
VSF		x				Use the safest way (not so smooth)
						Default: Try every trick to be very smooth

Extra Memory:
EMS		x		x		Expanded Memory (EMS)
HIM		x		x		Extra Memory with HIMEM device
XMS		x		x		Extended Memory (XMS)
EM4		x		x		Use only 64k of EMS
						Default: Don't use extra memory

Music: Only on CD
ADL		x		x		Adlib music card
ADG		x		x		Adlib Gold
ADL		x		x		Sound Blaster (=Adlib music)
ADP		x		x		Sound Blaster Pro
						Usage: ADP[PORT] --> ADP220
MID		x		x		Roland MT-32 (LAPC1 Midi card)
						Usage: MID[PORT] --> MID330
						Default: No music

Sound: CD-Version
SDB		x				Soundblaster
SBP		x				Soundblaster Pro
						Default: No sounds

Sound: Floppy-Version
ADL				x		Adlib music card 
SDB				x		Sound Blaster (music + sounds) 
MID		 	 	x		Roland MT-32 (LAPC1 midi card) 
AGD		 		x		Adlib Gold music card 
						Default: No sounds

WRI		x				Path for Savegames and INSTALL.EXE generated DUNE.BAT
						Usage: WRIC[PATH] --> WRIC:\DUNECD\ 


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