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RRT Campaign #17

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I had a go myself and this is how I did it (Expert level):

- Lay an electric line between Broken Hill-Ivanhoe, ignoring most of what's already there, and run three basic electric locos collecting wool en route and hence goods.   

- The starting conditions include loads of dosh with which it's easy to buy up a majority of shares in the Melbourne-Shepparton line.  Extend it to Canberra, buy big diesels, and voila; the Gold is yours by the end of 1960.  Yup, that's all of 4 years' play.

I'm always on the lookout for buy-outs like this, and they don't come much easier than this!  ;D


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In a word, finish the RT2 scenarios and get yourself the TSC version (if you don't already have it)!  It's a vastly superior game.  But I should add is that RT is unusual in having a very long learning curve; it can take years to learn all the ins and outs: that's one of the reasons why it's so satisfying and why players come back to it every so often. 

If you get stuck with a scenario, give it a rest and come back with fresh ideas.  The more approaches you try, the better you'll get.  Indeed, some scenarios are so canny that you can need several attempts to get under their skin.  You may already be doing this but it also helps to save regularly.  Back-tracking is a vaulable aid at any time but especially when you're learning.           

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I'm sorry, I can't remember the town names, but there is usually a town just north on the far west side of the map that has 1 or 2 Aluminum mills, and then just a bit further north there's usually about 4 bauxite mines in range of a big station.  I go for cheaper engines usually and try to haul lots of aluminum.  There's usually a canery on the line to the south, I send half there and half to a tool shop that is usually down the line heading for the coast.  I don't get much for the goods, but they help defer the fuel costs, but the place I make my money is buying the mills and canery and what ever else I'm servicing.  A well supplied Al Mill can turn a 100k profit easy.  Add in the wool farms and the Textile mills and there you go.

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