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True Crime:Streets of LA


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Man I heard about this game early last year and was really excited. Now that it is out and I have it I can say without a doubt that it was well worth the excitment and wait.

I got it lets say two weeks ago and have already beaten it.

This is not to infer that it is short on content because its far from it, I just played the game non-stop for a few days and so I beat it.


Hell has been unleashed on the City of Angels by merciless gangs. The only hope to restore order is an out-of-control ex-cop whose unconventional methods leave him rejected by the police and feared by criminals. Drive, fight,and shoot your way through 240 square miles of LA and a branching storyline where you never have to repeat the same mission twice.

You are Nick (Kang) Wilson, Formally of the LAPD you now have been drafted into the E.O.D (Elite Operations Division) by you old chief to help fight the crime that has started brewing in LA.


The graphics in this game are stunning. Everything is so detailed. The charactors look great and as do the cars.

Features: This game has a Grand Theft Auto feel, you can wander around the huge city and do what you please, solving street crimes as you go, or hop into a car and drive around. You can hop in and drive any car you see just as in GTA, except the phrases are alot better when you take a car.

The more crimes you solve the more badges you get. Badges work as credits to get you into 24/7 facilities where you can go to get upgrades, such as new guns, upgrades for you gun(aim assistance, fast reload etc...), new cars and new driving manuevers( burn out, spin out, etc...) , and new martial arts moves (take downs, finisher moves etc......).

The main feature in this game is that every action you take changes how the game plays out. If you kill inocents and other police officers you will earn a bad cop rating and that will change how the storyline works out. There is a bad cop route and a good cop route. If you play a mission and fail you have the option to replay it or to move on, if you just cant beat the mission you can move on and that will change the way things work out for Nick and will determine future events.

If you fail to arrest a bad guy at somepoint and he gets away expect to cross paths with him again, everything comes back for you in this game. So this game brings to the extreme that your actions determine your fate. There are three endings to the game depending on what road you take.

Another thing that is cool is that you can go into precision targeting mode at anytime in the game. This makes it go from third person to almost first person. You cannot walk in precision targeting mode. If you earn the upgrade for your gun to get aim assistance your crosshairs will change color as you move over differnt parts of the enemys body. Green symbolizing a neutralizing shot, Yellow symbolizing free aim, and Red symbolizing a fatal shot i.e the head.

Now, the cars are really cool!

The game offers alot of really cool looking cars. Theres like a Hummer H2, a ferrari, Dodge Viper, Mercedes, Ford F-150, low riders, mini vans, vans, trucks, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Shelby Mustang, Bentley and plenty more!

When you get into a car music starts playing like the radio. It isent as detailed as GTA and you cant change the radio stations but there are over 50 original songs in the game from Snoop Dogg, Westside Connection , Deftones, Taproot and a bunch of other awsome westside rappers. The music is great, and I believe there is even a soundtrack.

Anyways back to cars,

They are very detailed, when you first get into a car it is off until you first push X and than the engine roars to life and you take off. When the cars and trucks get dammaged in this game almost everything on the car can get dented or busted off. Its really really hard to drive around a car without dammage for long. An awsome thing is that in car chases you can shoot out your window at stuff. So if your chasing a car you can shoot out its tires of if you have had enough shoot out the gas tank and the car blows to high heaven and flips out and is engulfed in flames.

Now about fighting and apprehending bad guys,

While you are playing not only is there the storyline to follow but also during the whole game street crimes will arise all over waiting for you to solve them. There are tons of situations like the simple pickpocket or mugging , moving on to rapists and parole violaters to all out shootouts like gang shootouts and turf wars.

When walking down the street you can grab and frisk people to search them for contraband (Drugs or Weapons). If you find a perp that has shit on him you confiscate it and slap on the cufs. When responding to a crime you can flash your badge at the perp in hopes that they will give them selfs up and if they still refuse you can fire a few warning shots into the air and that usually gets them to surrender so you can just walk up to them and slap on the cufs. If they just start running you have to chase them down. You run after then and slide tackel them and than you have to fight them into submission so you can arrest them. You could just shoot them down like dogs but you loose points and your rating goes down , unless they pull out a weapon and fire at you , than by all means blast the muthafucka cause you wont get in trouble for defending yourself.

You can do a slo-mo dive and pop off a few shots , sorta like in max payne too, Thats always fun. :)

The city is really detailed, you can pretty much crash into anything and it will break or get dented.

Theres even a cheat you can do where you can unlock a special mission. Dogg Patrol ;D

In Dogg Patrol you are Snoop Dogg, your mission is to drive around LA and solve street crimes. Snoop has his own charactor and his own voice and everything. Its really fun, it got me laughing alot because he sais some funny stuff. He starts out with his own low rider, the only one in the game that has hydrolics. Its purple with pink cheeta skin seats. And ofcourse custom rimz. Its a blast!

Alltogether this is such an awsome game. I would give it a 9 1/2 if not 10 out of 10.

All you people that liked Grand Theft Auto, I strongly recommend it. It is so much better!

Im trying to think of something I left out but off the top of my head cant think of anything else to say. If anything comes to me I will post more later.

Check out the official site:


So yeah, thoughts.........

Who's played it , what do you think, who owns it.

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Good review. And I know you have it for PS2, but telling people what consoles/if its on PC would be nice.

Anyways, yeah I've seen this and as far as PS2 graphics goes thise games pretty nice looking. Also, its pretty fun and enjoyable from the 10 or 12 minute mission I played awhile back.

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