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Everything posted by azurewrath

  1. Actually, Fremen are good, if you set them on Guard mode. By default, they are set on stealth, so they don't open fire on the first Tom, Dick or Harry that walks by. Setting them on Guard mode virtually ensures that you get the drop on the enemy everytime when you mix Fremen with the Fedaykin
  2. Yes, forgot to mention that there was some spice left ... ... but it wasn't regenerating anymore spice either
  3. This thing happened when I was playing Emperor, once with my brother playing the Harkonnen campaign, once with me in the Ordos campaign, where the HarvesterS all suddenly stopped harvesting the spice mid-level. This included all the enemy harvesters as well. Does anyone know how the bug occurs ... ... or is it just me??
  4. I can only say this: Mother blankingly amazing good AI. Granted that they still do the same thing that all RTS AIs do (swarm with large, varied forces), but they have reinvented swarming. Example: I am Ordos attempting an expansion into Atreides territory. While defending my base, I see damnable tactics used against me that I would expect from a real person. Since I rely on troopers and Sadaukar Elite for AA defense, I would be defenseless against Air incursions without them. At one point, while they were assaulting, they launched a Hawk Strike into the middle of my base, scaring away a good portion of my AA troopers and Sadaukar Elite (off the screen) and then watch as they land Carry in a Minotaurus and drop it in the middle of my base!!! That was the most spectacular tactic I have seen thus far (not including trying different methods of getting into the base)
  5. Forgot to add that my game runs on average details at 640. Nothing high for me otherwise it will be too nightmarish =). But that (as I like to say) is just me.
  6. I am trying out Ordos now... kinda enjoying it except for the fact that they lack any fixed AA defense. The Chaos Lightning makes up for it though =) ... ... well almost. Also tried out the Atreides in skirmish... ... Minotaurus rocks!!! so do the ornithopters. But the Hawk Strike is kinda lame (till they use it on you, and wave good bye to your units as they walk off screen) Yet to seriously try Harkonnens so I'll reserve judgement till then BTW, the Buzzsaws ripping the spice to shreds is practically a non issue. It regens so fast its almost impossible to completely irradicate.
  7. Depends on how religious you are. If you pray reeeeeallly hard it might run bearably, if you ignore the loading times for each map. With texture level set to high and running at 800 resolution, my P3-800 (w/128Mb) takes 2 min to load I think. I am running it at 640 resolution just to keep the game running smoothly
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