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  1. razor


    server is still down so cannot do what you'r asking me for .. how big is it
  2. could i help with testing or.. do i have to be a vip? :'(
  3. razor


    its not the bom butt sure! wanna send me ? (i prefer e-mail)
  4. cant wait till its downloadeble 8) i know it has something to do with that butt .. o well probably no release date set?
  5. I saw many things in mods ::) duh , but i saw also things that i only saw on an image.. >:( like an example: an hkflamer but not with a flame gun but with a plasma-particel gun sortof. (i had the same idea but never made any succes) SO does anybody know how?
  6. how about buildings then (i'm talking about incidental l.o.l) like a bubblehouse that does nothing (yet) ?? :-X whoops...
  7. razor


    yeah i saw pritty much like 10 or something , but all spread between mods.. is there any (easy) way to combine them? in 1 file so i can use them.
  8. razor


    Are there any people that have made some icons for in the building menu's?
  9. how to use it and what files do i have to open. and what can i edit then?
  10. ok, i tried to send to your IM-box but was full ::) (ofcourse) so how could i unlock the incidental units: [iNYak] and [iNYakHauder] if its posible
  11. is there somebody that has made icons for the generals for in the infantry-building menu?
  12. tnx Frodo just what I needed, sad that not many people knew how to add the generals :'( hopefully I am not the only 1 that used your handy info
  13. how to add a general into your mod? or at least enable to the game :-[
  14. o sure, it was nice to try and play, i almost thought it was a tc (total conversion) but for example : there was just 1 infanty man in the first house (cant remember wichone) green i thought ::) at the good side, there must be many effort put into this mod. and it was a whole new look and sure i was emazed , even a hour or so 8)
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