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Everything posted by jimraelee

  1. hey thanks for the ideas.. but after I posted this I did download 2.18v firmware from dlink... and still not connecting. I wish there was a way of testing this before I gather players together and then I cant connect... but the port tirgering thing... im not sure how to turn this on.. i did enable the game mode and still having issues... jim
  2. Hi all... Ive played dune2k for some time at home.. and feel the need to play online.. but I have downloaded the patch and unziped to the dune direcotry and also created a password and entered the loby thru the cd.. but when I try to connect to players already there.. I get the time out connection failed... Does anybody know of special port settings for my dlink 604 router... thats the only thing I think that can be an issue??? jim
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