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  1. ok i know i checked it. but what each char means? :) what is the header of seed maps... 10x
  2. it seems they are to busy.
  3. i want to do a graphical dune 2 editor and i heard about seed maps... i know that the INI loads them but what is their HEader plz help.
  4. Hello ppl. my first post. i was also amazed by the Cool Clones You people did to DUNE 2 and i intend to start a small clone also! its my first time ever trying to program a game so i think it will take me Long time to do it. for now i just wanna work on Dune 2 Editing i checked all the source i could and i know how the INI is built my big main problem is that in the Scenrio maps all building and units and spice and bloom are marked and known. No Solid Rock is mentioned anywhere?!?! :- i mean those rocks there are around sand fields and stuff also there is no mention of reguler rocks wheere u build structures.... i NEED Help! :)
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