I tried it again and i still cant get it to work. I worked on it last night and aginathis morning. Do you know of anyone who would biuld a mod for me? This is the Idea I have. (Infantry) Saudeukar 1.(Sniper) A. Kindjal Character. 2 modes, 1 stationary with sniper rifle and the other when he moves w/ pistol. Invisible when he is stationary until he fires (like the fremen) visible when he moves. B. UNifrom like the Atreides Sniper but colors of Saudeuker. C. Sniper Rifle would be like the fremen rifle. Pistol would be like kindjal but a little stronger, to defend himself. heh D. Cost would 400 2. (Special Ops) A. Saudeuker model reguler B.^^^^^^ C.Two weapons (like the elite) 2 strong pistols, assault rifle. (STRONG) D. Cost 320 -Heh, those are my two ideas, they probably arent that good, but heh, if anyone wants to make em be my guest ( just tell me about it) heh. Peace