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Everything posted by =3rd=Sardaukar

  1. That's cool, I remember Mungers, Bretek and Hellsrift too! I din't really keep in touch with them though. The only reason Im not sure why Dplaz's name stuck out, prob because he was always in trouble with Dev. You an really consider yourself an oldie if you remember the "Ahh!!! I've discovered a murder plot" thread, It was like the biggest spam thread ever on the boards... ...ah the good ol' days :'( Actually my name was just [=3rd=]Sardaukar back then. ~Sar
  2. I doubt anyone is still here from the days when Westwood was still hosting the E:BFD fourms. Like DIGITALPLASMA, Mungers, Delphi, Devinoch, or anyone from the old [=3rd=]Regiment clan. Jus ignore this if you have no idea what I'm talking about. ~Sar
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