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Everything posted by Silen

  1. All MPQ editor compatable with 1.09! # WinMPQ, MPQEdit... Yes =) Hammerhead Project can download in March 2003. StarCraft 2 (ra2 mod) is dead =( ---- --- -- I don't understand mant of you questions... so... *Is it compatable with StarCraft 1.09? Windows XP? -yes *How did you get it to use one unit to build and one to harvest? -It edit in Arsenal 3 and ICE. *How did you do the Power system? Ho did you get rid of "supply"? -Buildings use power, but units - no. As in Dune 2000, Emperor... *What editor did you use? -I use many editors... 15-20... BinEdit, TblEdit, MpqEdit, WinMpq, Arsenal 3, Arsenal Zero, StarGraft, MemGraft, "Unit Resize", Grp Converter, CV5, AIEdit2, ArrEdit, TileEdit, GotEdit, Ice, MPQDraft,Isom, LoEdit and other... *When you are moving to a spot, an event is started like 200 units summoned. -Building limit is away.
  2. I don't use StarDraft (i create new *.mpq archive - DUNE.MPQ). MemGraft (patch for StarGraft) was support NT/XP/2000...
  3. No. Game not finished, but will soon be made demo version for Atreides with campaign. Will in the same way use units and building of other houses. What about playeble houses... its Atreides (with Fremen), Ordos and Harkonen (with Sardukar). Worm will possible control In some missions... Its possible consider a separate side? ;D ...more screenshots: http://redsys.ru/modules.php?op=modload&name=PostWrap&file=index&page=http://redsys.ru/modules/gallery/scrnmod
  4. Eto russki izik? ;D - PS: I bad know english, so not all understand. PSS: Site of mod http://redsys.ru (but all on russian language) ::)
  5. Em.. ::) Resource will be remade. Kristal => Spice Melange... harvest by Harvester and transport to Refinery Vespen Gas => Ore... harvest by Extractor (every second).
  6. Hello, from Russia modmakers... What do you tnink about? Screenshots:
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