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Everything posted by madrailman

  1. Here is the map as promised ;D It is technically a beta version, but the events do work. Railroadishia.zip
  2. Many thanks for the help ;D as promised I will upload the map here once it is finished :D
  3. I joined here since apparently this is one of the few places that RTII questions can be answered with a degree of frequency. Ok, Here is my problem: I have a virtual country set up on Nation States by the name of Railroadishia ( http://www.nationstates.net/nation=railroadishia its here if anyone is interested.) the history of the nation is very much involved with railroads and I got the Idea "why not make a railroad tycoon game out of this?". I do so getting the geography, cities, events and what not set up on the map, and test it out finding other than a few things it works really well. My Problem started when I started to look for the map in my computer's program files, I can't find it anywhere in there, nor the save files for the games I wish to delete. I would like to know where I can find my map, Ive looked everywhere, even on the disk itself but can't find it, yet it has to be some where because I can load the map to edit it and play it on my computer. I would be more than happy to upload the map here in exchange for help on this problem, I will be uploading the map to the Regional forum of Absolution (a region of nation states) Computer Stats: HP Compaq HardDrive 69.4GB/220GB free OS: Windows 7 64bit Proccessor: Intel Pentium Dual CPU T3400 @ 2.16GHz Thankfully, Madrailman.
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