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  1. well is that true gwizz u can use other trigger condtions that are more accurate as counters instead of variables
  2. well with the conditions list theres vertually every trigger condtions u can think of, so is it crucial to use variable to make a decent scenario.
  3. lol sorry guys but i have another question in one of the scenario im playing one of the events looks like this conditions are Player ID = 1 AND player controls any company is true AND Company variable 3 = 0 effects are player variable 3 + 1 for 10 months ] why woulda he/she use company variable 3 and have the effect for player variable 3 and whats plus 1 mean. also could u explain whats actually happening here also if i want the event to apply to just one territorry how do i do that and if i want to create a larger than normal supply in one of the scenarios... how would i do that the industry weightings doesnt really do anything am i missing something i appreciate this guys i no im asking alot of questions lol
  4. lol and 1 more question..use have been such a big help, what does the LTD and YTD stand for thanks ;)
  5. also how to i get troops to appear on da map..thanks
  6. ohk.. i kinda get it, if thats the case what is the player variable mean, the company variable mean and the territory variable mean like what would you "count" for the player variable
  7. hey everyone iv been very confused with some of the features of the map editing, in particular some of the event trigger condtions....ie player variable 1,2,3,4-9 and the complany variables and so on and so fourth please could some1 post like a map editing guide or somthing... many thanks
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