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  1. Thanks Gwizz for the quick response. I only have the original version. Looks like i'll have to change my strategy.
  2. ok here is my delema. I would like to setup a raw material freight train to pick up items from multiple station then deliver the whole load to an industry. heres an example. Pickup route: station A --------> Station B ---------> Station C ----------> Final destination pick up 2-logs ----> pick up 2-logs ----> pick up 2-logs -------> sell to lumner mill Total Train Cars station A --------> Station B ---------> Station C ----------> Final destination 2-logs ----> 4-logs ---------> 6-logs ----------> 6-lumber Every time i get to the second station it sells my logs. :-\ Thanks for any advice you can give. :) Edit: Running Org RT2 v1.05
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