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Everything posted by invoicee

  1. In the Ecuador & Peru scenario, there are cities that have troops barracks. When you build a station at one, it shows troops as a supplied cargo. But there are no troop cars to put in the train consist. Is there a fix for this? Please reply to showalterbj@sbcglobal.net
  2. Hey you guys - how about the E111? It has the best mix of speed, mountain-handling & operating expense that I've found. However, it suffers breakdowns a little more often than I prefer. If you chart performance vs operating expense of all diesels, I think you'll find the GP-9 and SD-45 are tops on the list. Forget limited time frames - use the cheat "show me the trains". <grin>
  3. I've been playing RR Tycoon 2 Platinum for a couple of years. But I'm stuck in Heartland in the Grand Prix scenario. The last message said I have to make $600k in one year before I can get access to Landbridge. I've been making oodles of $$$ for decades, but so far - no access. What am I missing? Your reply is SINCERELY appreciated! showalterbj@sbcglobal.net
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