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    Logan, UT
  1. Hello there, I just found this site, and just bought the game, and this topic made me want to register and reply. I have three computers 1) a brand spanking new one I built, with a DirectX 10 compatible graphics card, and the Vista OS, 2) a work laptop only 3 months old with Vista (which I only have home on occasion), 3) an older desktop with XP. For some reason RRT3 works with the laptop and the old comp, but not the new one. Que? But here is the kicker...the RRT3 DEMO works with all of them. WHY? Why will DEMO work with my new desktop but the installed RRT3 game won't? I even changed the compatibility setting of the RRT3.exe to run as WinXP. That didn't help either. I installed the game 3 different times too. I even tried to install the CtoC expansion and the 1.05 patch. Nothing, nada. I just don't get it. I should add that the game almost loads up. The main menu screen starts up, and then a few seconds later the whole things crashes and a window pops up telling me it won't work and to close it.
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