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Everything posted by Massacrer

  1. ARGHHH! So hard.... so desperate.... already tried so many times.... any1 could help me at all??
  2. I really need help for this campaign.... so hard... ARGHHHHHHH! So desperate.... need help .......
  3. (Sigh) so hard...... how can I do this campaign scenario??? Can any1 help me???
  4. hmmm..... wat about laying line from Orange to somewhere far....
  5. i c... thx anyway
  6. well... i built a line from Newcastle to Sydney. Coal, chop shop, and ports were in Newcastle and cows and passengers in Sydney... Arghhhhhh! What should I do?!?!
  7. I read that already... However, I actually did my own way and I ran a line from Newcastle to Sydney. But I still couldn't get the enough profit for it.
  8. Arghhhhh! I couldn't figure how to solve this 'dilemma' I am really desperate and need help!
  9. I played every campaign b4 this one, but I got freaking stuck on this one.
  10. Adelaide and Port Augusta, each with 2 ports. I had around 1300K as starting cash for my company. I chose 15% passenger and mail.
  11. Arghhh! I am really desperate! I Neeed Help! So far... I have been working on this campaign scenario for like 4 weeks and it was on easy only!! I really need help, plz...
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