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  1. Thanks Gwizz. The industries appear to be similar from RRT2 tro RRT3. The locomotive screenshots on the RRT2 page is somewhat informative but incomplete. It would be helpful to know the specs on all of the locomotives, specifically their year of introduction. Being new to this sequel of the game, I have been burned several times throwing a bunch of cash into new locomotives, only to have a newer, faster, more powerful locomotive become available a year later. Of course, purists would say this is accurate modeling. With no Internet, telephone or mass media, tycoons would not be aware of new locomotive technology becoming available unless they lived near a facility that was developing, testing or manufacturing them.
  2. I just purchased a jewel case copy of RRT3. There was a .pdf copy of the manual on the CD, but no Resource-Industry matrix or locomotive year introduction list. Can someone post a link to either of these documents or email them to me at: hotels109@hotmail.com? ~Patriot
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