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  1. Hi Gwizz, Yes I have placed the cities, I have downloaded a file to help understand the events section, so will give that a good read and see what happens Thanks for the reply Merlfitz
  2. Hi Gwizz. Thanks for the reply, I appreciate the help. I have info ready to place in newspaper and event bulletins about events happening in Australia etc. but am waiting to see when to insert them. Thanks again Merlfitz ;)
  3. I have a copy of the manual if you can't find yours I could email scanned pages. Can't be without a manual. Merlfitz
  4. Here is the map Aust.with Tas. Cheers Merfitz australia2beta.zip
  5. This is the Australia2beta map that I have worked on for ages and would like someone to test and perhaps finish for me or show me how??? Thanks Merlfitz
  6. I have made a map of Australia that includes Tasmania, is there someone who is game enough to test it and finish it off. I have stated in the opening remarks of the game what it is I would like players to achieve, but don't know how to put in action. I am 66 years old and am not in my second childhood, I have always loved trains. By the way I would like to congratulate whoever devised the Trans-Siberian map, great work. Bye for now Merlfitz, Australia
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