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  1. I'm not sure what a TSC map is and I don't have any idea how to edit a map. We were playing "Croissants or Crumpets?" in the scenarios (sorry, I don't know which level that is) and the game was offering $400,000 to connect to Colombo, Sri Lanka. There isn't any way to get from India to Sri Lanka because you can't build a bridge across the water.
  2. Thank you. We have version 1.05 which I'm sure is the first because I've tried to drag track across the water and it won't work. That makes me wonder then why the game asks you to connect to cities that you have no way of connecting to? Anyway, thanks again for the answer.
  3. Hi all! I am wondering if there is a way to build bridges over vast expanses of water? My kids love this game and it would be so helpful if we could build over water other than those small rivers. I am sure there is a way as many of the scenarios/campaigns want you to connect to cities on "islands" but we cannot figure out a way to build these bridges. Thanks in advance for the help!
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