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Eb Zane

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  1. >:( ???I've been playing RRT3 since it first came out and have enjoyed (more or less ;)) every game. I have been able to get through OE and Africa on all settings but Expert. I doubt that I'll even try. When I first tried OE the monk showed up but haven't see him since. Hr doesn't show up on any setting(easy to hard) or regardless to which choise I make at the start,ie industry etc. Whats the trick? I've connected Zgab with Wein I've built and hauled meat in Russia and he just seems to stay in his cell or at daily prayers. What about the JV story?? It hasn't shown up as well. Any help? PLEASE!!! Just a note, in one of the threads on how to win this game on hard it was recommended to wait towards the end and then run one new train on the flat track for the win. Someone was worried "What if the train breaksdown?" They were told that the chance of that happening was harder than lotto. So there I was on a long run from the small C????town to the NW of Bukrest(SP) down and empty line to Bukrest with a new 2D2 electric, I should be so lucky at lotto. >:( :'( :'( >:(
  2. I sort of new at least in the downloading off the net. When I down load how do I get it into my game? ??? ??? Do I hit run or save to files? ??? As far as I know I have the straight from the box RRT3. Which downloads to do first second etc.as far as patchs. Same question on map downloads. ??? Is it possible to turn off the Night? ??? RRT3 might be getting old but still provides hours of enjoyment. Thanks for any help. Eb
  3. Correct on the scenario 1877. Problem remains until end of game. I found the old? site and saw that others had had the same problem. I haven't had time to check those fixes out. As always Thanks for the help Eb
  4. I've been having a problem with the Germany 1870 game. Playing on hard setting I can't gain entry into Austria. Any ideas whats up? ???
  5. :-*AT LAST, thanks. Now I'm going to tell my door nob just how smart I am. ::)
  6. Thanks to both of you for the help. I took a break and went an talked with a door nob for a while. OK what I get now with "windows key" "E" I open up My Computer. Under the RT3 Disc I get Autorun Loco Commotion Mall Tycoon MapBuilder Minigames and Movies I havn't found any files for games or saved games. I'm not on line with the computer the RT3 is running on. I doubt that is the problem here. Any more ideas? Thanks, in the mean time I'll go back and talk to the door nob.
  7. OK, I opened with "all programs" LC RR3 and the only picks I have are Troubleshooting Weblinks Play RR3 Play RR3 online with game spy Readme Notes Uninstall RR3 Mapabuilder and Uninsatall RR3 Mapbuilder I guess I'm dumb or something, More help please and thanks for the time.
  8. (Windows key+E)????? How do I get or find the key???
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