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Everything posted by Dimka

  1. Hi all! What's the problem with gruntmods official site? Can't connect to gruntmods.com. Thx.
  2. opened the Editor. I still haven't figured out how to create a new unit group so that there are 3 different types of tanks. And where to change the name of the unit/structure in the game. How do I change the parameters for an individual map? How do I change the parameters for the whole original game? If I need a file names modified.exe for this changes Where can I get it? Can you tell me a little more?
  3. Where can I find such an editor?
  4. And yet I want this information to reach the developers. I love this game and I want to make it better.
  5. And what prevents from creating 2 more slots for two other tanks? Why not add these three types to the whole game, not just mods? The same question - what prevents from creating a new CY for the "sandworm?" And not only for the "sandworm", but also for all eight teams? Even in the original campaigns? Is it technically difficult to implement? This solves a lot of problems at once. And with tanks, and with MCV. You have explained how it is implemented. I understand. But the suggestion is the same - add a slot for another turret. Is there a problem with this? If you can easily change a slot from one turret to another, then what prevents from simply making a new one by copying a piece of the game code? That's where it's unclear. How does this interfere with the game? This only helps - there is no need to press the "Building" button 20 times. If there is a "repair" button, then it is easier to make the "auto repair" button than to pour tea. And it's easy to do for the WHOLE game. Not just for mods. For example, I repaired the building - the repair is over. A minute later, a siege tank attacks and damages 3-4 turrets. Is it convenient to click on each turret for repair? It only steals time, you know. I understand that. But we can double-click on CY to select priority. If Ordos CY is my priority, then the Ordos heavy factory should also be built. But it doesn't work. You don't even need to invent anything. The game has everything. You just need to bring it to mind. If we generalize, then all these errors are corrected. There's not much work to do here: 1) Add slots for tanks 2) Add slots under MCV 3) Add a slot for the prototype turret 4) Fix the work of CY so that when captured, the factories of another dynasty to which the captured CY belongs are displayed. If necessary, add slots for the factory All. You don't need to do anything else. Add all this to the game, and thereby remove the dependence on mods. And then make any maps and set any parameters for them. Версия и так уже хорошо оптимизирована. Причём не только для Windows 10, но и для windows 11. У меня Windows 11 - игра идёт без проблем. right. And that's why the color of the teams sometimes changes. Depending on how the game is running. It beautiful I like new companies. But why make another 20 new units if there are a lot of bugs with these? To fix a hundred more bugs? It seems to me that first you need to clean up the code of the existing game, and not produce new units and, as a result, a bunch of new bugs. Thumper Infantry instead of Heavy Tank - clean bug. If we don't fix them, then after the new units, the developers won't get out of their jobs at all and will fix bugs for days. It's better to have 10 good units than 20 with bugs.
  6. Good time of day. Straight to the point. Mistakes: • During the capture of the Harkonnen/Emperor heavy factory Instead of the heavy tank, the thumper infantry appears. At the same time, when hovering with the mouse, it is written that this is a heavy tank. At the same time, the type of game with different types of tanks will only be in the game mode "War on the Landsraad". In other modes we have only one "Combat tank". • When trying to deploy the MCV when playing for some dynasties, etc., the game crashes with the error "Cannot find correct construction yard" ( For example, when playing for Atreides in the "War on the Landsraad" missions (in mission 3), when trying to deploy MCV, this error crashes the game if I change dynasty to Fremen in Debug mode. Wishes: • Gun Turret and Prototype Gun Turret are the same building that appears depending on how the game was launched. If you use the "Mission select launcher" to select a game for the emperor in the "War on the Landsraad" section, then Prototype Gun Turret will be available in the game. In all other cases, there is a regular(Gun) turret. By the way, with such different launches of the game, the color of the commands also changes. For example, a blue team can turn brown when loading the game, etc. You can do both of these turrets in any game modes. They are effective against different types of units and complement each other well. • Make it possible to create many units at once by clicking on a unit several times in a row. So that the factory automatically builds more than one unit. • Make a feature to buildings – automatic repair buildings in case of any damage. In order not to click on each wrench every time. • Make it possible to build different types of tanks (Heavy, Medium, Light) in all game modes, not just in "War on the Landsraad". • Make it possible to build different heavy factories when capturing another Construction yard. For example, if we initially play as Harkonnen CY, then when capturing Atreides CY, we should be able to build Atreides Heavy Factory, since they have a different tank (medium tank), and also have a Sonic Tank. And this is logical, because we confiscated their technology. I'm asking developers to fix bugs and make changes to the game in the next version. Thanks.
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