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  1. Okay, I've been trying to make it work for ages and I still can't even get the wretched thing to install. >_< Would someone be able to make the .pcx for me please? I'm looking for an area from 53.60 in the North to 51.60 in the South and from -5.60 in the West to -2.15 in the East. My inability to do this is kind of annoying.
  2. It must be something I'm doing wrong then. It still refuses to install the program no matter what I do. This is vexing. >_<
  3. That was the first thing I tried, but I can't get GeoVu to work on my computer. When I try to install the program it tells me that the program is not compatable with Windows. Plus the website I got it off says that GeoVu is no longer supported... whatever that means.
  4. Okay, I really want to create a map of South Wales (The one in the UK, not New South Wales in Australia), the true birthplace of the railways, but I can't for the life of me get a PCX file of South Wales to make the map with. Can anybody help me track one down please? I'm looking specifically for a map that covers from just past Swansea in the west to Newport in the east and from Brecon in the north to Barry Island on the south coast. Hope someone can help. Emma Not your average train lover.
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