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Everything posted by Fundraiser

  1. Not really sure what you are asking but in the train purchase set up a new train is automatically at a starting point. If you want to change that starting point you need to put in a 2nd station and click on it as a starting point. I do this alot when I have two big stations such as Detroit and Chicago. I make up a train from D to C then purchase another train and the last one purchased comes up and I reverse the starting location. If you are not connecting your track then you must dump the unreachable station when purchasing a train and click on a new starting location on your map. Hope this helps. FR
  2. Thanks for the response. Doesn't seem to be much action on this site. I too like POS but have modified the map in different ways to make in more fun. When I was a kid of 16 I got a summer job on the CBQ RR which started me into a love affair with Rail roads. I do model RR and this game. I like the ones or recreate the ones that allow a lot of shipping and commerce. I should probabily stop trying to beat the AI and just beat myself by creating an empire map like POS and going for the most I can do. It is kind of like that when I play Links golf online. I can never beat the big dogs but improve my game all the time. You can take anyone's map and drop some of the winning requirements and turn it into anything you like. Well have a good holiday. I will check this site out in a few days. FR:
  3. I have been playing this game since it first came out. I have learned how to make maps and manipulate the game to better my chances. But I can never seem to win on the merrit of the game. I am now playing in Platinum which I assume is a glorified RRT2. I have 3 but do not like its layout yet so I play where I am familiar. I am playing hartland map and can never meet the book value of the AI's. They never seem to be moving anything but a few loads and mostly passengers but still rack up gigantic values. Besides cheating which is no fun anyone out there winning on a regular basis and if so how? Merry Christmas--Fundraiser
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