I have seen this and similar issues come up so I wanted to share my experience. First of I am running Windows 11 24H2. When I had 22H2 I did not seem to have this problem with the game on any version.
Problem: Dune 2000 freezes or crashes
In my experience I have tried the disc version, gruntmods version and dunemaster version. In everyone I can make it to the map screen after selecting a house and then the game freezes and locks up as soon as the voice over begins.
I read on another thread that turning v-sync off in the control panel to your graphics card works. I tried it and it did work but I had to get off the computer because I had work in the morning. Fairly certain I had found the issue I tried other versions of the game and it failed to be a solution. It wouldn't even work for the version it seemed to work on the night before.
I'm hoping someone will have a solution to this issue soon or in the near future. If anyone has a possible solution please let me know.