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  1. SOLVED: Launch the Dune2000Config. Disable Single Processor Affinity. This worked for me. I hope it works for you!
  2. Hello, I have seen this and similar issues come up so I wanted to share my experience. First of I am running Windows 11 24H2. When I had 22H2 I did not seem to have this problem with the game on any version. Problem: Dune 2000 freezes or crashes In my experience I have tried the disc version, gruntmods version and dunemaster version. In everyone I can make it to the map screen after selecting a house and then the game freezes and locks up as soon as the voice over begins. I read on another thread that turning v-sync off in the control panel to your graphics card works. I tried it and it did work but I had to get off the computer because I had work in the morning. Fairly certain I had found the issue I tried other versions of the game and it failed to be a solution. It wouldn't even work for the version it seemed to work on the night before. I'm hoping someone will have a solution to this issue soon or in the near future. If anyone has a possible solution please let me know.
  3. Try going into your control panel for your graphics card and turn off vertical sync in the global settings. This worked for me when picking a faction. It's late so I wasn't able to play any missions yet to verify if it helps there. I will test it tomorrow after work and get back to you. Edit: This now does not work....not sure why it worked last night but now it does not. I'm stumped.
  4. Genius! Thanks for sharing! I was having the same issue!
  5. For me when it hung up the game would eventually just crash or I'd have to open task manager and end the game that way. I'm still not sure why this is happening now though or at those points. I thought it was the videos but it's not.
  6. I have a similar if not same issue. I've installed Dune 2000 through the discs, three different versions of Gruntmods and an all in one installer from MyAbandonware. The only version of the game that does not freeze on me is the Gruntmods version that does not have the videos installed. For some reason the crashing or freezing for me happens upon mission complete or during the beginning intro after selecting a house. I'm guessing its something to do with the video format. If I find out something I'll post back. POSSIBLE FIX: Turn off vertical sync in your graphics card control panel. Go to the global settings and turn it off. I still need to verify this works throughout the game but when picking a faction it no longer froze.
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