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Everything posted by dilbert

  1. thanks for the advice, but i still can't get it to work. It is a cool map for singleplayer, but i would prefer some competition, and unfortunately, i dont know any other railroders :O(
  2. I downloaded this map and i really like it a lot, and would like to play it against the computer too. But what must i do to get the AI to start a company instead of just buying my shares ? - i tried to create a company and assign an AI chairman, but as soon as the game started, he spent all the companys money buying back stocks, instead of laying tracks :-\ thanks in advance for any advice
  3. I have Win XP and a Geforce 4 card, and have the problem too. I pick a scenario, it loads and starts, and RT3 ends. I tried everything. I bought the game in January, and had no problems in the beginning, but suddenly it started. I dont know if the Update to Patch 1.02 then 1.03 solved it or caused it to appear at first, but at some point it was working again, i dont know what i did, or what setting i changed in options, but it ran perfectly fine for a few months. Now i have the Problem AGAIN, without having changed anything. And reinstall did not help either :-( I would be happy if somebody could identify exactly what setting i ned to disable, or if it is the Nvidia driverversion that causes it
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