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  1. (I'm not sure where this should go, if it should go in one of the game-specific forums, please move it. Thanks!) I've owned RT2 Platinum and RT3 CtC from GOG for a while now, but have really only been playing RT3 since I bought them. Recently the hankering to play the flooded maps popped into my head, for no real reason, so I opened RT2 but I haven't actually played RT2 since I was in high school or before (almost 20 years ago!) and I can't bring myself to wrap my head around the differences in economy and train setups, and the limited track laying abilities are messing with me big time, so I got to wondering if anyone has converted the RT2 maps to RT3 at any point? Furthermore, I asked on Hawk's forum and was directed here as you guys seem to do a lot more with RT2 than they do, to see if, at the very least, you might have some insight into how the .map and .mp2 files are saved so that the information might be able to be moved to an RT3 compatible map file? I'm sure the scenario-specific events and such are probably somewhat incompatible, but even if the heightmaps could be transferred that would be a big help, I'm more than willing to put in the time converting scenario events by hand if needed. I just suck at drawing actual maps, whether its in Tycoon, Trainz, SimCity, and the like. I'd like to start with America After the Flood, but if it turns out to be a not-to-painful process I'd be willing to try to work with more of the RT2 maps and scenarios to get them into RT3. Any help you guys could provide would be appreciated!
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