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Everything posted by lxlZerolxl

  1. Thank you so much for comenting. Yes, i'm definitely going the check out all the other campaigns in the near future. It`s going to be interesting since i`ve never played any of them so, i`m looking forward to it
  2. Hi I'm Zero and i've made a series of videos showing how to beat all campaigns in hard difficulty so, for those of you who are having problems with any missions during the campaigns, you can get over to my channel and see how i do it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hola yo soy Zero e hice una serie de videos en mi canal mostrando como me paso la campaña en dificultad insane asi que, aquellos que esten teniendo algun problema para pasarse alguna mision, pueden pasarse por mi canal y ver como lo hago yo My Channel / Mi Canal -----> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIwSffy4U0XurOqhRTUsBKQ
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