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Everything posted by Harry_3

  1. Hello Striking Drekavac, I went to 'first go to' STEPS to get Dune 2000 to launch in Windows10 64 bits' I followed the steps; I think the instructions are meant in case you can't launch Dune2000. On my PC I launch dune without any problems . 1024x768 didn't work; but 1920x1080 works fine with mu monitor Iiyama ProLite XU2492HSU Once running I could play a few evenings but every so often in the middle of playing Dune 2000; the game gets stuck; the PC needs to be reset. All I can do is switching off the power. Start up again; load the the last save and continue. Later it happens again. I uninstalled the program and after restart WIN10 I installed Dune2000, starting with the first mission. At mission 4 the problems started again; the game gets stuck. windows freezes, had to hard reset the PC. Q: where can I find ddrwa.ini ?
  2. Sand Flea, Thank you for your fix. Can't find ddrwa.ini; please help
  3. Sorry for the late reply. No i didn't fix that problem; the program still flunks out every 15 minutes or so. Reason why I don't play Dune any more, it's a pity
  4. Windows 10 64 b. Dune 2000 - Gruntmods Edition Great game! Every so often in the middle of playing Dune 2000; the game gets stuck; the PC needs to be reset. All I can do is switching off the power. Start up again; load the the last save and continue; 10 min. later it happens again. Who can help me? Regards, Harry
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