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  1. "There is no escape--we pay for the violence of our ancestors." ― Frank Herbert, Dune Quest for Arrakis II continues the decade long history and political machinations of the original Quest for Arrakis. It is an intense setting that stays true to the canon as set forth by Frank Herbert and focuses primarily on power politics and grand story telling. Much like the in the novels most anything is possible...if the player is willing to pay the right price. The setting is an alternative universe to the world as designed by Frank Herbert and taking place some twelve centuries before the time of Paul Atreides. The Corrino Empire has suffered through a devastating war which has taken the life of the previous Emperor and plunged the human race into a period of economic collapse and massive social unrest. Old houses have fallen or been reduced in power leaving a vacuum for the ambitious to make a name for themselves. Under the watchful eye of a new sovereign the Empire begins the long road back to prosperity. New houses seek to establish themselves as old ones try to return to glory. We offer an intense gaming atmosphere with motivated players, helpful staff and well detailed game environment. Everything is story driven and the opportunities are endless for writers willing to be active. Will you raise your banner in this brave new age? The perils are daunting and the road will be hard but do you have what it takes to rise to power in the Quest for Arrakis II? For more information email directorate@questforarrakis.com .
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