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  1. Found more in INSTALL.EXE from Floppy/CD-Version Got CD Non-CD Processor: 386 x x 80386 (or better) Default: 8086-80286 Graphics: MON x x Monochrome VGA Default: 256 colors VGA Language: FRA x x Français GER x x Deutsch ENG x English ITA x Italiano SPA x Español DUT x Nederlands ALN Alien - only in INSTALL.EXE, seems to have no effect NOM x x Don't use mouse Default: Microsoft compatible Mouse REC x Record demo DEM x Plays recording Joystick: JOY x Joystick Default: Don't use joystick Animations: SAF x Standard smooth animations VSF x Use the safest way (not so smooth) Default: Try every trick to be very smooth Extra Memory: EMS x x Expanded Memory (EMS) HIM x x Extra Memory with HIMEM device XMS x x Extended Memory (XMS) EM4 x x Use only 64k of EMS Default: Don't use extra memory Music: Only on CD ADL x x Adlib music card ADG x x Adlib Gold ADL x x Sound Blaster (=Adlib music) ADP x x Sound Blaster Pro Usage: ADP[PORT] --> ADP220 MID x x Roland MT-32 (LAPC1 Midi card) Usage: MID[PORT] --> MID330 Default: No music Sound: CD-Version SDB x Soundblaster SBP x Soundblaster Pro Default: No sounds Sound: Floppy-Version ADL x Adlib music card SDB x Sound Blaster (music + sounds) MID x Roland MT-32 (LAPC1 midi card) AGD x Adlib Gold music card Default: No sounds Path: WRI x Path for Savegames and INSTALL.EXE generated DUNE.BAT Usage: WRIC[PATH] --> WRIC:\DUNECD\
  2. Sorry: First row is CD second Floppy version
  3. There are several(and different) command line parameters in den CD and Floppy version of Dune - can someone tell me if my list is correct? DUNERPG.EXE, fileoffset: 0xE100-0xE169 DNCDRPG.EXE, fileoffset: 0xE60C-0xE6AC 386 x x use 386 Opcodes MON x x ? FRA x x French GER x x German ENG x English ITA x Italian SPA x Spanic DUT x Dutch? NOM x x ? REC x Record DEM x Plays recording JOY x Joystick? SAF x ? VSF x ? XMS x x Extenden memory EMS x x Epanded memory EM4 x x ? HIM x x Himem? ADL x x Adlib ADP x Adlib Pro ADG x x Adlib Gold AGD x Adlib Gold? MID x x Midi, MT-32? SDB x x Soundblaster SBP x Soundblaster Pro WRI x ?
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