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  1. it worked!!! Thank you so much i really appreciate it. but a last question, after starting the map it says ; _spawn.mis needed, so i just put the spawn.mis data from the dune2k editor folder to the map folder, and it shows me a timer. ingame i try it yesterday to see what happens if the timer is done, nothing really happens but than after a time i got always a message when i build somethink on the upper left : not able to build or recruit everytime when i recruit a unit but i was still able to build something is there a way to edit the _spawn.mis data or should i just ignore the message? and what means Handicap on the launcher i can choice for me 1,2,3. try to play a game against Hard AI they got directly 40.000$ on the beginning and all attacked me on the same time that was strange
  2. so i createt now a new map. added everythink what you need to play. some worm spawner, 8 player starts 2 in each corner. some spice saved the map. The Map ; https://prnt.sc/kx5fd3 on the upper right you can see the minimap to imagine how it looks like. after saving the map i start the launcher but the launcher was not able to find the map so i add the ini file with the editor INi :https://prnt.sc/kx5fy6 so here i click just to the : use.ini file for additional mission settings. i found not a another way to add a ini file. and without a ini file the map is not showing on the launcher and ofc i give that a name on the mission settings i dont click nothink else or edited it. i start the game and again the same they stuck again and dont build.
  3. i use the gruntmods launcher and there i have just the multiplayer tab to play skirmish https://prnt.sc/kx0loa geplänkel means skirmish btw. and how can i give the AI the practice mode? didnt find anythink on the editor a option for that.
  4. Hello, i hope this forum is still activ or i can find at least one person who can help me out. i create a map for dune2000 and activatet it.. Now the problem is, that the AI stuck. example the start money is 7000, but all AI's stuck on 3250 or somethink. so they are able to start a building but not able to put it on the ground. i have a screenshot for it if you look at the photo you will maybe understand what i mean. SS :https://prnt.sc/kwq7lg so how you can see on the upper right the money stuck they cant build and probably they cant cancel what they build somethink is blocking the AI to build somethink. i tried that with more AI/Computer players aswell the same, probably i need to edit somethink? to give them the rights to build somethink maybe? i really dont know. i really hope someone is still activ in this forum, thanks.
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