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Naberius Buster

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  1. Thanks for responding. The Config file spawned in the appdata under Roaming/Dune Dynasty, so it doesn't seem to be running in portable mode (can't say I know what this is). I just copied the Profile.INI file to the same directory/folder and alas no change (no sight range buff for light vehicles).
  2. @Nyerguds Your help would be appreciated. I'm actually having some issues with this. Dune Dynasty won't work with the Profile.INI file I made (original campaign and skirmish), but it works just fine when it comes to the modded games (SD2 Classic and Extended), and I got the original Dune.EXE to work with the Profile file too. I even put it in Dune Dynasty's main folder. How did I mess this up, and how can I resolve this successfully?
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