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  1. Hi All, I discovered Gruntmods' Dune 2000 and am really enjoying it. Only, i cannot get multiplayer to work from inside virtual machine (i am traveling for business and obviously cannot install anything on my company PC). Looking on this and cncnet forum i found that the problem is known, the threads are inactive since several months and no solution has been published. My host PC is a Win7 x64 machine. I use latest VMWare player for virtualization. Virtual machine is Win10 Pro x86. Network mode (NAT / bridged) doesnt make any difference: CNC client does not connect (but VM can connect to Internet fine). On a forum somebody said that an older cncnet client (which version?) works from inside VM; where can i download older version of the client? I tried to copy the installation files on the host PC: now cncnet client can connect but launcher complains about incorrect installation. If I move the installation file to another location inside my VM i get the same result and the cncnet client still doesn't work (obviously). On the website it is mentioned also a portable version of Gruntmods Dune 2000 but i cannot find it. Can anybody please help? Many thanks in advance.
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