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  1. Evaluation on Difficulty of Coop Maps on CnCNet Author : dongyu , Translator : UnitLost Coop Players : dongyu, UnitLost All maps listed are Coop(Players vs AIs) maps on CnCNet Only evaluate on the most difficult map in same kinds of maps( P4 , 2P 4AI Imperial Basin , XP vs (8-X)AI etc.) (except 1P vs 7AI because of bug) AI settings : Hard AI , random house Difficulty Evaluation on following aspects : Achievable Start Credit Handicaps of Players [if not mentioned, maps are played in all players in 3 stars (handicap 3)] Bans Least Players Needed to Win Importance of Unit Control (higher rank means easier map. such as No.18 easier than No.10) You can download the text file which gives a detailed description. 30.Co-Op 2P 4AI Ordos Mission 9v2 by Feda Editted from the oringinal ordors mission. mercenary side controlled by another player and can still get reinforcement like the oringinal campaign. Each side have a yard at start. An easy Co-op map to relax and have fun. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 29.Co-Op 2P 3AI Ordos Mission 9v1 by Feda Similar as the No.30. The mercenary side player doesnt get a yard at first , need buy from starport, but still easy. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 28.Co-Op 2P 3AI Ordos Mission 8 ported by Feda Editted from the oringinal ordors mission. Much smaller land to place buildings and less reinforcement make it harder than former 2 maps, but still easy. PS:The start mcv(bottom mid) gets a chance to deploy in start game. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 27.Co-Op 2P 3AI Arakeen by dato The top middle AI can be killed very fast if you rush it with start units , so its infact 2P vs 2AIs. Player gets a nice base at start. Very easy. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 26.Coop 3P 3AI (easy) Best Habbanya Erg by dato The easiest map of Co-Op maps based on Habbanya Erg. Very easy even in 3stars in mutliplayers. For single player, Ally AIs isnt weaker than Enemy AIs Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 25.[Coop-mission]Blowing Sands (2P 5AI) by Feda Editted from the orignial Atreides mission 9 version 2. Infact its 2P vs 4AIs vs 1AI. Players get Complete bases at first(thought without yard and cant produce a MCV). Can get mcv from top right by deviator If dont want use MCV , need pay attention not stolen buildings. Still not hard without yard. PS:The right side player get a deviator from reinforcement ,the left side player need choose house Ordos to build deviators to get MCV. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 24.Co-Op 2P 2AI Deva Defence [HARD] by Feda Defence for enough long then players will win. The easiest map of Unit Control maps(the maps unit control plays a much more important role than other aspects) Single player can push back in 1star while 2 players can push back in 3stars. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 23.Co-Op 3P 3AI Great Flat by dato AIs not make big attack but players only get a yard at first. Players will slowly develop if choose handicap 3 and get a poor economy. Easy if players more than 1. But little hard played by single player since ally AIs much weaker than enemy AIs. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 22.Co-Op 2P 4AI by Magier The left side player gets a base with many buildings and a good terrain for defence while the right side player starts with a yard. 1AI of the enemy is pretty weak. Sometimes AIs will camp then make a huge attack. Its easy in 2 players but hard to win this by single player. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 21.Co-Op 2P 2AI Tsimpo by dato AI dont get big bases but less land for players. Will meet some space problems when players play , normal difficulty map. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 20.Co-Op 3P 3AI Habbanya Erg by dato AIs get complete bases and good defences. Spice will be much few after some time. Though its not hard to defend but still need a long time to kill AIs. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 19.olympic practice by dato 4-icon setting makes it hard for high-resolution users. With turrets on, player can do a turret rush(deploy mcv on right land) and the map become not hard. This map should be played in 1star. PS:If enable short game, player only need kill the MCV to win. It will be very easy even in handicap 3. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : Y 18.Co-Op 3P 3AI Great Flat II -by [MSI]wyq Recommendable map for new players to practice. This map gets a much stronger AI than original AI. Its not very hard, experienced players can coop with new player to win this mission easily. Ally AIs much weaker than enemy AIs, need at least 2 players to win in 3 stars. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 17.Co-Op 2P 4AI Habbanya Erg II -by [MSI]wyq Medium difficulty map based on erg. AIs will make big waves of attack. Need 2 players do a good cooperation to win in handicap 3. The top right player get a perfect territory for defence. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 16.Co-op 3P vs 3AI Tiberian War by dato TD-tileset map. AIs get a huge amount of harvesters. Attack harvesters at start will make it much easier or will meet a hard time. Players cant unable worms on this map. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 15.Co-Op 2P 2AI Red Chasm by dato Players with only yards at start. AIs will do a quick attack. Players need hold the key entrance with good unit control at early game, then develop and spend some time to win this map in 3stars Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 14.Co-Op tank master 1P vs 1AI The hardest map of tank master maps, also a typical unit control map. Need nice unit control to win. This map should be played in handicap 1. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 13.P4 Defense Practice (2Player) very hard The hardest map of P4 maps. Only with wall or stealth raider can win this map in single player. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 12.Co-Op 2P 4AI Bastion by Kipper17 Spice close to players will stop blooming after some time. So need attack fast and capture the middle lands. Its hard when game long. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 11.Co-Op 2P 4AI Imperial Basin (hard) by dato AIs build fast and get strong reinforcement. Players get good territories for defending. Need make the best use of territory to defend in handicap 3, then consume AIs and build up an army slowly to push back. Very hard in early game. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 10.Co-Op 2P vs 3AI Campaign -by wyq It was a very hard map among players. The right side player is hard to defend( usually need help from left side) In 1star can build units fast and with good unit control to try a mission rush. In handicap 2 or 3, right side player need build walls to block the right and bot entrances to win. A kinda hard map. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 9.Co-Op 2P 2AI Citadel by Kipper17 AIs make huge attacks but players have a god-like terrain for defence(the bridge) in 3stars . Cant defend most spice area in handicap 3, players should survive with the inner spice areas. A hard map. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 8.2P vs 6AI [best erg] by dato & Feda The hardest map among all players(more than 1) coop and vs AIs. Can make a rush if choose 0 start unit but still not easy. in handicap 1 its medium difficulty map but in handicap 3 need very good unit control and skills of defending AIs. A very hard map. PS: Not recommend to play with 0 start unit and with engineers enable (players maybe use a engineer rush to kill AIs) Turrets Needed(Y/N) : Depends on handicap choosing 7.Co-Op 1P 7AI Erg III (Skirmish) by dato There exists a bug in this map. One AI doesnt ally other AIs while other AIs ally this AI. That gives a chance to win this map. Single AI not strong in this map so its very easy in handicap 1, but extremely hard in handicap 3. PS: Not recommend to play with 0 start unit and with engineers enable (players maybe use a engineer rush to kill AIs) Turrets Needed(Y/N) : Depends on handicap choosing 6.[RA graphic] 3P VS 3AI spice mountain by dato RA graphic map. AIs get many harvesters and only a spice area that can only be harversted by carryalls. Do the best to capture the spice area. AIs will do brute attack (to the middle) In handicap 1 player can win this alone , In handicap 3 need at least 2 players and a good cooperation to win. An extremely hard map. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : Y 5.Co-Op 2P 2AI Battle Creek by Kipper17 There is no god-like terrain to make use of in this map. Need players with really good defence skills. Luckily players get a rich inner spice area. The inner AI gets a high possibility to camp(which usually makes a map much harder) Normal in 1 star but extremely hard in 3 stars. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 4.Dune Master 2000 4-icon setting makes it hard for high-resolution users. Need good unit control and timing control. This map should be played in handicap 1. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 3.Co-Op 2P 2AI by dato Players get poor bases at start and bad terrain for defending. Spice areas are dangerous. Even small mistakes can lead to a failure. Even in handicap 1 , this map is not easy. Extremly hard in handicap 3. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : N 2.Coop 2P 2 AI Best Habbanya Erg by dato Need defend enough time. Players with only yards at start game. Easy in handicap 1 (players can even kill AIs when the timer run out) Maybe impossible in handicap 3. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : (handicap 1 N, handicap 3 ???) 1.Co-Op 1P vs 7 AI frozen arrakis by dato No bugs in this map. Single AI not strong but really hard to defend their continuous attacks. Extremely hard in handicap 1 and impossible hard in handicap 3. PS: Not recommend to play with 0 start unit and with engineers enable (players maybe use a engineer rush to kill AIs) Turrets Needed(Y/N) : Y 0.Co-op 2P vs 5AI-Desolated Fields Unballance hard , it is not updated to cncnet but some player sent it to me. AIs make brute attacks and players with bad start buildings and even worse terrain. Poor economic and few spice make this map even impossible hard to win in handicap 1 if start with 7000 credits. Impossible to complete handicap 3 with 7000 start money. PS: With 40000 start money and enable turrets can win in handicap 3. Turrets Needed(Y/N) : Y Maps: 0.Co-op 2P vs 5AI-Desolated Fields 1.Co-Op 1P vs 7 AI frozen arrakis by dato 2.Coop 2P 2 AI Best Habbanya Erg by dato 3.Co-Op 2P 2AI by dato 4.Dune Master 2000 5.Co-Op 2P 2AI Battle Creek by Kipper17 6.[RA graphic] 3P VS 3AI spice mountain by dato 7.Co-Op 1P 7AI Erg III (Skirmish) by dato 8.2P vs 6AI [best erg] by dato & Feda 9.Co-Op 2P 2AI Citadel by Kipper17 10.Co-Op 2P vs 3AI Campaign -by wyq 11.Co-Op 2P 4AI Imperial Basin (hard) by dato 12.Co-Op 2P 4AI Bastion by Kipper17 13.P4 Defense Practice (2Player) very hard 14.Co-Op tank master 1P vs 1AI 15.Co-Op 2P 2AI Red Chasm by dato 16.Co-op 3P vs 3AI Tiberian War by dato 17.Co-Op 2P 4AI Habbanya Erg II -by [MSI]wyq 18.Co-Op 3P 3AI Great Flat II -by [MSI]wyq 19.olympic practice by dato 20.Co-Op 3P 3AI Habbanya Erg by dato 21.Co-Op 2P 2AI Tsimpo by dato 22.Co-Op 2P 4AI by Magier 23.Co-Op 3P 3AI Great Flat by dato 24.Co-Op 2P 2AI Deva Defence [HARD] by Feda 25.[Coop-mission]Blowing Sands (2P 5AI) by Feda 26.Coop 3P 3AI (easy) Best Habbanya Erg by dato 27.Co-Op 2P 3AI Arakeen by dato 28.Co-Op 2P 3AI Ordos Mission 8 ported by Feda 29.Co-Op 2P 3AI Ordos Mission 9v1 by Feda 30.Co-Op 2P 4AI Ordos Mission 9v2 by Feda Youtube channel of the players ( You can get the videos of coop maps from the following channels) dongyu's channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdP6Z71sv8DFwE6QVorhD_Q UnitLost's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBHh-PoxrpzAVTsggdQXQLQ Welcome your discussion and suggestions! Thanks go to every map maker for giving players amazing maps and fun!
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