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    Zrenjanin, Serbia
  1. Ok, here it is... enjoy H7V2.zip
  2. Sorry... didn't know where to put it :(
  3. Hey guize... just wanted to let you know that I have made the H7V2 mission - a bit harder that its original (H7V1). I will upload it shortly... Anybody who is feeling up for the challenge, can try it out :) Oh, and feedbacks are welcome.
  4. Hmmmm..... that shouldn't be much of a problem.... If it is possible then I will add the tiles where the dunes borders are (I never use them). If you can just tell me how.... that would be nice....
  5. But is it somehow possible to add the tiles form ex BLOXXMAS to BLOXBGBS? Just the ones that would somehow make the map more interesting?
  6. Hi all, how can I make a dune Tileset with all the previous tilestes from BLOXBASE to BLOXXMAS so that they are all in one? Ore does something like that already exists?
  7. Well I am making a long a painful Smugglers campaign, so far I have 12 missions witht them... The storyline ought to be long and complicated, long story short: Aquiring Ixian technology, paying the Ixians for it (naturally), constant competition against the emperor, who is constantly aquiring some sneaky tactics to somehow stop the Spice flow for the Smugglers..... but I'm not goint to spoil it. In this saga I have envisioned about 20+ Missions, the latest being with Mercenary + Ixian allies.
  8. It, works, just needed to make some tweeks...
  9. The XCC does not work :(
  10. That could be nice...
  11. I think we ought to research this matter a wee bit more, we can make some interesting triggers with this condition.... Don't you agree? XD
  12. FunkyFr3sh,you neve cease to amaze me :)
  13. Hi, as I am into mission editing, I want to make some triggers when a certain ammount of casaulties have fallen. For example 40 light infantry - if there is such a thing to specify. As I can see from the casaulties box there should be a certain code entered. But I do not know what kind. Is there some kind of list for it? Please help.
  14. Question, can I also add a custom music to the dune game? And how?
  15. Anyone.....?
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