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  1. Hello, Ohh I see. Well if I can't manage single blocks of sand, dunes or rocks than the DuneMaps is not important for me. :/ I'm using windows 7 and I have .net framework too. Thank you for your answers, have a nice day. Csongor
  2. Good morning! I have another Dune2.exe from http://duneii.com/downloads/but the problem is the same. Did you know any map editor which I can use for adding and removing sand and rock too? Thank you, Csongor
  3. Hello! 1. I was read the forum, but I can't found any solution my problem. I have the Dune 2 with 1.07 fix. If I like to run DuneMaps, an error massage pop up. "Dune2.exe not found in data directory" Can you help me, how to fix this? 2. I like to edit maps, but with the "bgafc_de" editor I can't edit rocks and sand, so I'm looking for some other tools to edit maps. Have you any ideas what should i use? I hope someone is still in here, a lot of editing link didn't work now. Thank you very much, and have a nice day, Csongor
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