Because I working alot of time in 3D Studio Max an Sketchup. In sketchup i modeling simple building with photomach and parallel projection then save it in 3k resolution, open in photoshop and give it live. I tested buildnig in bigger resolution because it will be awesome to make this game in true HD not only ressolution, but it doasent work good and then I thinking its better stay in that ressoltuon of assets because pexelated and 16bit can hide some bad things and it still can looks good Also for now i using 1280x600 resolution because i think this ressolution will be good for everybody because. HRP will be good if it will be changing only ressolution not all gfx files becuse when you use it and want change res it will be changing all graphic to orginal one. Im Architect in full time job and half time gamedeveloper. For inspiration i searching deviantart, google graphic etc. Also i using tools what i see on this forum so everybody who do something i put in credit page :) I was thinking about alot of storyline and graphic concepts like:- new planet, new planet will be born like earth moon, but new planet fly away and not be discovered to this time- new fraction from Corrino it will be very dark story. In some place in timeline "New house Corrino is erase from official tree and in game will be came back as new power- after 20k years arrakis is so old and sucked up that on planet will be grow more green stuff - I want check what UI will be looks like if it be at the bottom of screen- If I can I want create biggest maps as passible - also i want add new world block assets with more green stuff But all thise is only concepts now, so we will see what it be